Total cost:

Rolling Stock
Loco Profiles
Branch Lines
Light Lines
Other Titles
G. Toms & R. J. Essery 124 pages Softback 2006
Whilst not as detailed as the "LMS Profile" series from Wild Swan, this is nonetheless a pretty comprehensive description and account of two classes of 4-6-0 locomotives the Claughton being more or less the predecessor of the Patriot. Additional interest in this subject has arisen through the ongoing project to build a brand new "Patriot". Progress is steady and the new locomotive is to be named "The Unknown Warrior".
Geoffrey Hughes 102 pages Softback 1994
A selection of articles written over twenty years for the journal of the Gresley Society, all discussing the work and products of Sir Herbert Nigel Gresley.
David Hunt, Bob Essery and Fred James 64 pages Softback 2002
This book covers the Derby designed locomotives that appeared in December 1927 under the auspices of the LMS. Designed for suburban passenger traffic, they formed a successful class that laid the foundations for the later taper boilered classes. Based upon research from material held by the National Railway Museum this is a detailed history featuring comprehensive photography and good quality drawings.
David Hunt, Bob Essery and Fred James 112 pages Softback 2003
A fully detailed study including extensive works drawings of Stanier's first Pacific for the LMS, which followed the "Royal Scot" class chronologically in the move away from the Midland's "small engine" policy which had hampered the early years of LMS.
John Jennison, David Hunt & Bob Essery 96 pages Softback 2011
A pictorial supplement to the main book, good comprehensive coverage of the class including detailed views and more general shots from both pre and post War periods.
John Jennison & David Clarke 72 pages Softback 2003
Published with modellers in mind, this is a detailed photographic survey of the first batch of the ubiquitous Stanier "Black 5" locomotives.
David Hunt et al 128 pages Softback 2004
Effectively part two of the Black Five story, covering those class members built with a sloping throat plate but excluding the Caprotti geared locomotives with are in Profile Seven. As in other books in the series, there is comprehensive photographic coverage together with extensive works drawings and a detailed commentary on technical developments.
John Jennison & David Clarke 64 pages Softback 2004
A photographic addition to the main book on sloping throat plated Black Fives, excellent photographic coverage for modellers.
David Hunt et al 96 pages Softback 2006
The Caprotti geared black Fives, all of which were produced after the War, are here described and discussed in great detail, works drawings being included as usual for this series.
David Hunt et al 136 pages Softback 2005
Chapter and verse on Stanier's magnificent 8F, built in large numbers by several companies and sent abroad during World War 2, they were a familiar sight on freight operations on the steam railway. Extensive works drawing accompany a detailed account of development and lots of photographs.
Jennison et al 80 pages Softback 2005
Detailed and more general photographs of the Stanier 8Fs, put together with modellers of the subject in mind.
David Hunt & Adrian Ford 72 pages Softback 2013
Arising from a chance meeting between David Hunt and Adrian Ford at a model railway exhibition, this book differs from other supplements in the series in containing a lot of additional information on its subject in addition to further photographs. This is because Adrian has worked on and made a study of the two twins and the level of detailed information contained in this book is consequently very impressive, imparted through photographs, sketches, plans, a detailed text and a reprint of the driver's handbook.
David Hunt, John Jennison, Bob Essery & Fred James 126 pages Softback 2007
Extensive works drawings, detailed photographs and a full discussion and description of the merits or otherwise of the LMS built 4Fs, a straightforward continuation of a rugged and simple Midland Railway design that has come in for some criticism over the years.
Bob Essery, John Jennison, Fred James & David Hunt 72 pages Softback 2007
Extensive pictorial coverage of the LMS built 4F freight locomotives, old fashioned at their introduction, class members nonetheless more or less survived until the end of BR steam operation.
David Hunt, John Jennison, Bob Meanley, Fred James & Bob Essery 174 pages Softback 2008
Chapter and Verse on Stanier's magnificent machine, from development through manufacturing to operation and in service alterations, right down to an appendix of individual records for each class member. In addition to excellent photographic content this book contains a series of clearly reproduced works drawings covering all aspects of the locomotives, including full details of their streamlined incarnations. I do not think this collection of information will ever be bettered, an unimpeachable source of reference for would be model makers.
John Jennison et al 118 pages Softback 2009
More pictures and details of Stanier's magnificent Pacifics, including some additional drawings and unusual shots of locomotives under construction.
David Hunt and John Jennison 122 pages Softback 2009
A very full description of the origins, development and technical details of the diesel shunting units that the LMS pioneered before the war and which went on to provide the basis for the 950 plus standard diesel shunters of British Railways. Both jackshaft and twin motored varieties are fully covered, comprehensive photographic coverage and numerous plans and scale drawings included.
Hunt, Jennison & Essery 174 pages Softback 2011
Chapter and verse on the good looking and powerful "Compounds", full drawings and technical details of construction, variations and performance . With their origins being with the Midland Railway and overshadowed by later designs they nonetheless make an interesting subject.
Hunt, Essery & Jennison 90 pages Softback 2010
The ubiquitous standard shunting tank with its origins in an earlier Midland design. Universally known as"Jinties" but not apparently during their service lives, they will be familiar to many of us through models produced by Triang. Another thorough and fascinating study, including the examples built for the S&DJR by Bagnalls as late as 1929.
David Hunt John Jennison & Bob Essery 180 pages Softback 2019
A completely new volume to cover both the original and rebuilt locomotives, 180 pages absolutely packed with information, photographs and detailed scale drawings. Although the rebuilds were covered in part one of this series, out of print for some years now, the level of detail did not match the quality of later parts and so the authors decide to cover the whole story in one book, which makes for a more logical and complete account. The drawings include twelve at large format, printed on to six fold out pages neatly bound into the book, as in some earlier volumes in the series. Style and design follow the earlier volumes in the series, but with some well executed and subtle changes that have freshened the concept, including putting the title on the spine(!) This is the first book in this series for nearly ten years and I hope to now carry on with further titles. If this book sells well then there is the prospect of producing a pictorial supplement in the near future as John Jennison has uncovered a wealth of previously unseen material on these singular locomotives.
John Jennison & David Hunt 96 pages Softback 2022
A further selection of photographs, together with works general arrangement drawings of the smokebox and inside cylinders of the rebuilt locomotives, accompanied by a brief but well informed commentary on the life of the class in traffic. The pictures are really magnificent, John Jenison has been instrumental in gaining access to some marvellous archive images through Rail Online, many of which are included in this book. A very splendid record of a singular class of express steam locomotives. The introduction also pays tribute to the late Bob Essery, a friend of both authors and significant contributor to this and other series of books.
R.J. Essery & P. Davis 156 pages Softback 2013
An investigation of the performance and history of the London and North Western locomotives under the LMS, including the locomotive stock of the North London Railway. This first part covers passenger tender classes and is very well illustrated with clear and attractive photographs, the whole book being deliberately set out in the sort of detail that railway modellers like to see when constructing or detailing an accurate model.
D.L. Bradley 260 pages Hardback 1989
A welcome reprint of the last of the late David Bradley's fine series on LSWR locos, and a story of designs many of which prevailed until the 1920s and even beyond. The photographic coverage is very good and shows much of interest in addition to the locomotives, including several views of Adams brake vans and the ubiquitous Panter road van. The book includes details of the three ex S&D George England 2-4-0s latterly used by the LSWR's engineering department.
Mike Barnsley 154 pages Hardback 1991
Profusely illustrated and with decent 7mm scale drawings throughout, the fascinating and varied locomotives that operated over "Swindon's Other Railway" are fully explored and described in this well produced hardback book.
James, Hunt & Essery 52 pages Softback 1999
A monograph on the 1833 and 2228 bogie tanks, hugely detailed drawings and newly researched information. Produced in conjunction with the NRM this book was the first of a new series, later issues of which were treated to laminated covers - which this first one wasn't.
Hunt, Essery & James 64 pages Softback 2000
This book covers the Belpaire firebox rebuilds of earlier class three locomotives and those that were built new. Known as "Bulldogs" on the Somerset and Dorset Railway, they seem to have been appreciated much more by crews and observers than the descendant Superheated class four locomotives.
Hunt, Essery & James 56 pages Softback 2000
Photographs and extensive works drawings covering the "Midland 2P" as they were latterly known. As with all things Midland they were a mixture of locomotives with differing origins that all became one through progressive rebuilding and development. This class was one of the most elegant locomotives running into BR days I think and seems to have been remarkably sure footed and successful given its relative antiquity and wheel arrangement.
Hunt, Essery & James 102 pages Softback 2002
Originally built by Kirtley and one just surviving to wear a BR livery, this was a large class of elegant locomotives that almost went back to the beginning of the Midland Railway itself. As ever, extensive photographic coverage and a good selection of useful works drawings.
Hunt, Essery & James 78 pages Softback 2004
A detailed record of the Midland's version of the "Jinty" tank built in large numbers by the LMS. Extensive photographic coverage and a good range of works drawings are included in this book which forms an invaluable reference for modellers of these locomotives.