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Mike Lloyd / W.H. Smith [Publisher: Wild Swan] Softback
S.C. Jenkins and Roger Carpenter [Publisher: Wild Swan] Softback
Paul Karau [Publisher: Cygnet Magazines] Magazine
Edited by Paul Karau, who muses on the quality of RTR models and how they might sidetrack us, centred around his own thoughts about the recent Rapido Bedford OB bus, the improvement of which forms an article in this issue. Peter Kazer otherwise leads the articles with his scratchbuilt 1/32 "Talieisin" in an early condition, Barry Norman builds a splendid hut for his new railway in 7mm scale, absolutely beautiful in its "ordinaryness". Steve Hall creates "Earl Haig" from a 40 year old DJH Brittania kit, which is really effectively weathered in a late careworn appearance, and features on the cover of this issue, running coal empties through Drighlington. After a couple of neatly weathered 7mm RTR wagons, John Hirst follows in Stan Roberts footsteps as he embarks upon an ambitious 7mm model of Bakewell, Steve Hall is back again building a coal stage for his next project, Ian Hopkins briefly considers raking shores and finally Chris Cox continues his construction of Coventry shed and pump house circa 1839. All this plus Paul's OB article, a tickled 94XX, a lovely 7mm scale 14XX in "Portfolio", letters and accompanying photographs. As good as it gets I think.
Paul Karau [Publisher: Cygnet Magazines] Magazine
Edited by Paul Karau, who leads with some recollections and reflections on inspiring and influential modellers from the past. The first article is "Chatsworth Road" a very nice BR blue era interpretation of Rowsley as it might have been (let down a bit by some rather poor images unfortunately), which is followed by what I thought was a really interesting and informative article by David Hunt about the history and formation of Scaleseven, told through his acquiring a very beautiful "H Class" Midland 0-6-0. Small suppliers forum and improving Bachmann fitted opens follow, before a wonderful article on building Isle of Wight coaching stock from Andy Gannon. Next is something a bit unusual, a 3mm scale build of a 4F from a 3SMR kit, followed by Trevor Pott having Churston's grass "tarted up" with the help of Neil Podberry(!) A weighbridge scene and an early Victorian chaff cutter completes the line up, plus letters.
Peter Barnfield [Publisher: Wild Swan] Softback
Francoise Fontana [Publisher: LR Presse] Magazine
Another great mixture, a full set of interesting product reviews precede a new layout building challenge, 2 foot Gauge in Colorado, HO/OO 9 on an A4 footprint - you have until August 2025 to register. From Rhaetia with love follows, a fine 1/43.5 model railway set in a study above the "Kaeserberg Railway, a multi level HO layout which is a public attraction, all deeply impressive on many levels (ho ho). There then follows an in depth exploration of the Baguley Drewry as produced by Bachmann in 009, which features a lot of information on the prototypes and the RNAD, topped off by a brilliantly imaginative layout idea using the same themes - much better than reality ever was! Constructing a Reseau Breton coach in 1/22.5 scale follows, and after fitting a decoder to the Minitrains Decauville 0-6-0 the centrefold prototype photographs and scale drawings are for some incredibly attractive 4 wheel coached from the long lost Anvin to Calais metre gauge feeder line. Parthenay and its associated lost light railway are then explored in some detail, a fascinating set up, all of which is then followed up by a well thought out layout plan that follows the theme. Fred Mazza then describes in pictures his imaginative buildings for Sweethaven, being followed by a very satisfying looking 1/35 peat wagon build. Eric Fresne then explores sculpting and engraving the "Sculptur Block" product, before the final feature, a wire drawing factory siding with a complex set of low level "triangular loop" narrow gauge feeding tracks. Ingenious and well modelled, with lots of modified and worked on locotractors from Bernard, one of the four creators.