Railway Archive

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Railway Archive No 44

Neil Parkhouse and Ian Pope    [Publisher:  Lightmoor  2014]    Softback    80 pages

Stone Station on the North Staffordshire, more colour images of Gloucestershire and a really good article on the L&NWR Steam Railmotors and the LMS Sentinel railcar trials by Bill Aves are amongst the delights in this issue.

Railway Archive No 43

Neil Parkhouse and Ian Pope    [Publisher:  Lightmoor  2014]    Softback    80 pages

A fabulous article on the broad gauge in Cheltenham, an intriguing article on Fairlies in Oxfordshire, the Royal Train on the LMS in 1938 and a couple of pictorial articles covering earlyish railway operations in Middlesex and the Home Counties.

Railway Archive No 41

Neil Parkhouse    [Publisher:  Lightmoor  2013]    Softback    80 pages

Having a bit of a bent towards the Southern the West Country and things military, I found this issue to be a real corker. Twenty six pages of the Barnstaple to Ilfracombe line in 1931 is followed by eighteen pages on the railways and locomotives on Salisbury Plain in the First World War by Bill Aves. Other treasures include the Broad Gauge on the Metropolitan Railway and railway postcards from Monmouthshire - brilliant!

Railway Archive No 2

Parkhouse & Pope    [Publisher:  Lightmoor  2002]    Softback    96 pages

The excellent standard of the first issue is maintained with this second issue of this large format photographic railway periodical. Contents include the steam era on the Mersey Railway to 1903, a detailed look at the CDR from Londonderry to Strabane and more from the Pouteau collection, this time covering the Furness and Caledonian, amongst others. The historic theme is being strongly followed, although the Irish article does include a whimsical looking ex Dublin and Blessington railcar viewed as recently as 1935.