Posters, Design

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The Golden age of Railway Posters

Michael Palin    [Publisher:  Bathampton Local History Research Group  2015]    Hardback    92 pages

Witty and enchanting. Post War Britain expressed through its railway poster art in a very nicely produced book. Featuring a well written and informative introduction, the bulk of the book is made up with full colour full page poster images, each with accompanying notes and details of the artist.

Great Western Lines and Landscapes

Alan Bennett    [Publisher:  Runpast  2002]    Softback    96 pages

Something completely different, a well written account of the Great Western's extensive publicity literature, copiously llustrated with posters, flyers and brochures from the author's collection. Much of the content has not been seen in print before, and the author's extensive research reveals the sophisticated and hard headed business approach behind such delights as "holiday haunts" and the "Riviera Limited".