Portersfoote Bunting Light Railway, Whimshire
Limited Edition from original artwork by Peter Barnfield

W99 BIRDSFOOTE BIFURCATE STATION - Portersfoote Bunting Light Railway, Whimshire

There never was a station at Birdsfoote Bifurcate until the PBLR built the direct line to Whiminster on the right. Previously all trains had to travel via Myrtle, Wharf Lane, along the tracks to the left. The junction is controlled by two interlocked disc signals and a strange, pointing finger route indicator which is illuminated after dark by two oil lit spotlights. The three levers needed to work signals and pointwork are housed in a building of more than adequate size, which also doubles as living accommodation for the stationmaster-signalman-cum-porter, whose working hours must be excessive. An unnecessarily large waiting shelter is probably used solely by the station cat, passengers being extremely rare.